Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nevermore DVD Filming Planed At German Show

As always, I love sending people to because they provide loads and loads of info whenever they report on something. Take a link to their website to learn more about the above mentioned Nevermore news.

I own “This Godless Endeavour” and “Enemies Of Reality” and I recommend both albums, even “Enemies Of Reality” despite some people’s production complaints.

While most people classify Nevermore as “Power Metal” the band themselves dislikes the tag. The most likely reason why people call Nevermore a “Power Metal” band is because Warrel Dane is a great singer, and there are no rough vocals or “screaming” on their albums. The music is very heavy, and everything by them has a quality which we all know I love: creativity.

Anyways, the September 12 2006 concert in Bochum Germany will take place at the Zeche club and be filmed for the DVD.
Century Media


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