Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hatesphere Name New Album

One of the bigger bands playing a modern take on thrash has been this rising band from Denmark. Hatesphere have announced that their new album will be titled “Serpent Smiles and Killer Eyes”, and will be due out in Europe April 30th. Release dates for North America and Japan will be announced soon.

Hopefully Hatesphere will be able to do some North American tours very soon. Most of the tours that I’ve read about them being on have typically been hanging around death metal bands, but perhaps an opening slot with one of the bigger metalcore bands would appeal to some new fans.

SPV Records

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Aborted Post New Song Online

You can find a song for the new album from Aborted at their MySpace page here. The song titled "The Chondrin Enigma" comes from the fifth full length album from Aborted called "Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture".

The song from their MySpace page sounds great, although it’s still a typical Aborted song. There seems to be tiny bits and pieces of new bits of added creativity, but to many people, these may be only small details.

Aborted At MySpace
Aborted At Century Media

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Agony Scene Continue Working On New Album

I consider 2003 to be one of the best years in metal. At that time, metalcore was still on the rise. Many of the bands who started playing it sounded vastly different from each other, and it had yet to be plundered.

One band from the earlier days of metalcore is The Agony Scene. I remember picking up their first self-titled album when I was in Austin Texas, and I was quite impressed. I got their follow up “The Darkest Red” which was released by Roadrunner, and it looked like things were going to go well for The Agony Scene, but alas, they did not.

One can speculate and theorize as to why The Agony Scene don’t stand in the same ranks as All That Remains and Bleeding Through (perhaps not enough promotion, or not enough touring?), but they didn’t seem to get enough attention, and were dropped by Roadrunner.

The Agony Scene is now signed to a great record label, Abacus Recordings. While it’s not a huge label, its on the rise, and has some support from Century Media. They’re planning to go to Red Planet Studios sometime soon, and are reported to have around 13 songs ready to go.

Once they get that new album out, I hope they get a lot more, and really good merch, and that they tour they’re butts off!

The Agony Scene

The Agony Scene At MySpace
Abacus Recordings

Metal Blade Signs Anterior

Metal Blade apparently has not settled down in their signing binge to grab up metalcore bands, melodic metalcore especially and many of their related kin...

Songs I’ve heard from the MySpace page for Anterior would cause me to place this band squarely in the melodic death metal camp, almost to the point of ripping off In Flames.

Anterior At MySpace
Metal Blade Records

Nile River Is Back!

After being away from a computer for awhile, I’m now back to post messages! Apologies to those who wanted some updates here...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Converge Post Video For “No Heroes” Online

I’m always surprised that a band like Converge with such a different and great creative sense (not to mention strange harsh vocals) is signed to Epitaph, doing so well, and making what appears to be videos with high production values. It just goes to show you that creativity can prevail!

I’m not one for videos most of the time, however the video for “No Heroes” was fun to watch. You can view it here.

Converge At Epitaph Records